Hallo, my Name is Mohammad!

Mohammad is fighting with blood cancer, by helping to provide his drug we can save his life

Mohammad is a 3.5 years old boy from Azna, in the Lorestan province. When he was only 2 his mom noticed that he was always fatigued, and did not show any interest to play like the other children.  In Hamedan, the doctors diagnosed Mohammad with ALL and sent for complementary treatment to an oncology center in Arak.

Since then, doctors have been treating Mohammad with chemotropic medicines, including Pegasparginase and Vincristine. His body responded very well to the treatment initially. However, the shortage of original medicines dosed for children forced his doctors to continue his treatment with low-quality ones. This resulted in fungal infection and arrhythmia. His fragile body can not tolerate these issues for a long time.

Mohammad’s parents take care of him with a lot of concern. His parents could not have a baby for 11 years and took years of medication to be able to have him.

120 kids like Mohammad are facing a life-threatening shortage of chemotherapy medicines. Every contribution of 500 Euros extends their treatment by a month. Let’s keep their hope alive!